About the Author
Former Java developer, experienced Quality Assurance guy focused on people management. Resource manager with some experience in project management and project coordinator. Scrum master. Universities, conference trainer and speaker. Recently blogger. Fan of agile approaches. Former martial artist. Big fan of good quality music and audio equipment.
My primary goal is to work as a people manager, I really like:
Mentoring new team leaders and managers, helping them reach their true potential;
Motivating teammates;
Using coaching based management;
Building and leading teams;
Helping people grow;
Solving problems.
As a former programmer and automation tester I like to focus on reliable and clean tests.

My Expertise
Leadership: Team Leading, Resource management, Team building, Team coordinating, People management
Languages: Java, Python, Shell, AWK, XML, SQL, UML, XPath
Methodologies: SCRUM, Agile, Kanban, Waterfall, V model
Frameworks: JUnit, TestNG, Selenium Web Driver, JBehave, JMock, Mockito, Cucumber, AssertJ, REST-Assured, EasyTest, ReportNG, Arquillian
Other Tools: SoapUI, Hamcrest, Squish, Siquli, JMeter, Jenkins, SVN, Git, MQ Series, MS Project
Building tools: Ant, Maven
Bugtrackers: Jira, Redmine, Mantis, Bugzilla, ClearQuest
IDEs: IntelliJ, Eclipse, NetBeans